Friday, January 4, 2019

Morning Coffee Newspaper

My Sunday morn Coffee?  I love it so! There's nothing quite like it, and it's one of my best moments of the week, most times "the Best." Yes it is. And not for just me but millions I'm quite sure. If you work 6 days a week as I, or you work five, that Sunday morn coffee just can't be beat. Most might have it down at the kitchen table. The coffee pot brews, you retrieve the Sunday Paper and settle in. Settle in with that good ol friend, your morning cup of Joe. You chit chat with the husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, whoever, and you sip that good beloved Brew, your morning cup of Joe (coffee). Is it Brazilian, African, Colombian  Jamaican, or Sumatran, no matter, it's your favorite and it brings you so joy for just a pittance of a cost. Most of us drink good ol regular American Coffee, regular, Black, with milk and sugar, just milk no sugar, Milk, Cream, Half & Half, there's a number of ways to enjoy, your morning cup of coffee.
   For me, my morning cup is never in my house as it is with most. No, I always go to the cafe for my beloved cup. I've been doing so for almost 30 years now. Nothing wrong with having it at home, but for me, I always have it out, at one of my local cafes. One is American (Regular Cup of Joe) the other Italian (Espresso or Cappuccino). For the past few days, I go to the American Bakery/Cafe more often. I usually have a little breakfast before I go, sans (without) coffee. The coffee is reserved for the cafe. I do this for two reasons, never having coffee at home. Number one, after I take a shower, I have my breakfast and put on my clothes, I just want to get out of the house and into the city, (New York). Two, I only have my coffee at the cafe because to me it makes it more special this way. And it's not just about the coffee, it's the whole total experience of it all. I have my coffee, yes, but I'm among others. There are always the counter girls at the cafe who are all quite lovely. A nice morning with my cup of Joe, perhaps a bit of chit-chat with the girls and they're always so sweet. Usually I have friends there, so there's a bit of conversation with them, sipping my regular coffee, "Milk No Sugar." I read, I write, I listen to the music, sip, love, and enjoy my coffee, that very simple and one of life's "Great Pleasures," the morning coffee. It cost very little, and especially if you compare it to the outrageous price of cocktails these days, that with the price of the drink $14-$17, and tip, can end up near $20.00 per. I love a good cocktail, but not at these prices. My morning cup of coffee has superior value compared to the current days cocktail prices in New York. It's sad really.
   Yes, I usually see friends, have a good chat, then it's into the papers, The Times, Post, The Daily News, whatever is lying around the cafe. Guess what, it's free. I can go on my computer and surf the net. I'll get any news or info I could possibly want. If I don't like the music playing at the cafe, which is usually good, but can occasionally be quite bad, I'll just plug in my ear-plugs, go to Youtube, and watch a Rolling Stones video. Listen too, of course. Or I'll just plug into my iPod Touch and listen to my great Musical Library. No Crap Rap of course, just good ol Classic Rock, R&B, and "Frank" Sinatra that is!
   I write, I read, I load up news from the Huffington Post on my iPod to read on the train (Subway) later, I see friends, sometime make new ones, sip my Coffee, I enjoy, that's my Sunday morning Coffee, or any day of the week for that matter. My morning Coffee, "I just Love It."

 Daniel Bellino-Zwicke





ABIDE in IT !!!


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